To determine what card stock you have, look at the back of your CAC above the magnetic strip. Note: CACs are currently made of different kinds of card stock.

This can make it appear that your certificates are issued by roots other than the DoD Root CA 2 and can prevent access to DoD websites. These instructions walk through adjusting the trust settings on the Interoperability Root CA (IRCA) > DoD Root CA 2 and the US DoD CCEB IRCA 1 > DoD Root CA 2 certificates to prevent cross-certificate chaining issues.

Download and install the OS X Smartcard Services package.In addition, please review the CAC smart card reader requirements for more information regarding card reader requirements. At this time, the best advice for obtaining a card reader is through working with your home component. Typically Macs do not come with card readers and therefore an external card reader is necessary. You can get started using your CAC on your Mac OS X system by following these basic steps: Pick your browser for specific instructions. Make certificates available to your operating system and/or browser, if necessary.The InstallRoot User Guide is available here. If you’re running an alternate operating system such as Mac OS or Linux, you can import certificates from the PKCS 7 bundle. In order for your machine to recognize your CAC certificates and DoD websites as trusted, run the InstallRoot utility ( 32-bit, 64-bit or Non Administrator) to install the DoD CA certificates on Microsoft operating systems. Install DoD root certificates with InstallRoot ( 32-bit, 64-bit or Non Administrator).You can find their contact information on our Contact Us tab. Please contact your CC/S/A for more information on the middleware requirements for your organization. You may need additional middleware, depending on the operating system you use.

In addition, please review the CAC smart card reader requirements for more information regarding the requirements for a card reader. You can get started using your CAC by following these basic steps:Īt this time, the best advice for obtaining a card reader is to work with your home component to get one.